H-1B Season is here!

The H-1B visa is a temporary visa available to professionals with a Bachelor’s degree in a specialized area working in their field of specialization. With the exception of employees of Institutions of higher education and affiliated organization, the H-1B classification has an annual numerical limit (cap) of 65,000 new statuses/visas each fiscal year. An additional 20,000 petitions filed on behalf of beneficiaries with a master’s degree or higher from a U.S. institution of higher education are exempt from the cap. with Beginning February 21st, 2023, Employers can begin the H-1B lottery process for fiscal year 2024. The registration period opens on March 1st at 12:00 noon ET and closes on March 17th. The lottery will take place on or before March 31st, 2023. The H-1B filing period begins on April 1, 2023 for selected cases. For more information and to set up an appointment, please contact us.